Sustainable Relationships
What do you want? Marriage? A fling? Cure boredom or loneliness? To “get off?” You never really know what’s going on in someone's head, or even what their intentions are. Someone who wants to be married and raise children in my opinion is probably a genuinely good person, who has a lot going for them. Got a hunch? Keep reading…
— — — — DISCLAIMER — — — —
These are my personal opinions and are subject to change.
A Relationship Happens when Two Brave People Meet.
You never know what someone has going on that’s keeping them from talking to you. Bravery is when you don’t let any of that bother you. Trust your intuition. If a person doesn’t trust themselves, they’ll trust the wrong people. They will hurt themselves, and hurt others around them. Bravery doesn’t end with approaching a person, getting their phone number, texting them, getting together, kissing, or getting naked. It’s something that has to go on, forever.
Do keep reading.
6 Years of Experience Required.
I just made that up. Experience is a must because people don’t like being around others who haven’t learned the same lesson(s) they have. It makes them feel like they’ve wasted their time and could have been with someone who genuinely loves them, or could at least express their love in a mature fashion. Did you know some Japanese restaurants will only serve clients who speak Japanese? Strange requests and things.
I’m not Going to Hold Your Bike Anymore.
Eventually, people get so tired of watching others slowly kill their mind, body, and soul, with the unwillingness to improve and develop themselves. Skeletons jump out of the closet and the only choice is to run away or beat them up, as “All conflict is the result of a misunderstanding,” and “The key to happiness is forgiveness.” All work and no play, play and now work. Sometimes you gotta reward yourself, spice things up, and pat yourself on the back. Sometimes you have to focus on what brings results. Entertainment, drinking, or whatever you do to turn up, is just a carrot on a stick.
My Favorite.
What are we going to eat? How are we going to pay this bill? What is there to say? Complicated problems arise. Complicated problems, actually require very simple solutions. Get creative.
Take Care of Yourself.
By that I mean, try your best, daily. You don’t have to make 100% of the shots you take but just take the shot.
Don’t Say THAT!
Why? And if you know, do. But if you found out someone only loved what they observed with their senses then you might be offended. I am NOT my clothes, I like them too.
🤦🏾♂️ The grass always grows back. Impatience is a sign of weakness. Keep a cool head, don’t complain, and definitely don’t get too excited when you get what you asked for. I’m becoming a person who lowers their pride.
You can have everything you want, just not all at the same time. Although life can be a fill-in for heaven on earth, just be ready for the personal hells.
Motivate Yourself.
Rarely do people love you too much to tell you exactly what you need to do, but it does breed independence. So I like to write those things down. And do them daily.
What is Love?
A reminder. A gift. An action. An imitation. A feeling if you can afford it.
Honestly Nevermind
Don’t insult someone’s intelligence. There’s a time and a place to speak your truth. We get to know ourselves through interacting with others.
On Cheating
It feels different then what you see on a screen. It feels like you’re being laughed at by the entire class, but you didn’t hear the joke, and you have to sit there and still pass and come back every day. Why let an entire class just take your future away? Okay, so it’s one person… Resilience.
Have you know of this concept called, “Overselling.” We all have to sell ourselves, but overselling in the dating world kind of looks like someone going on about themselves. Sometimes you can just put your sweatpants on and chill.